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In our medical centres we offer following medical services: 

General practice

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Your GP will give you the care best suited to your personal needs. They treat the person, not just the disease.

See your GP for:

Doctors use a number of tools and techniques to examine skin thoroughly, beyond what the naked eye can see. And melanomas that are detected and treated early are cured in 90% of cases. So, in addition to self-checking regularly you should have a professional skin check once a year. It is also important to get a professional skin check by a doctor if anything suspicious appears, in addition to having your annual skin check.


A GP can perform a skin check and examine any lesions of concern. They are familiar with your history, can talk to you about risk factors and family history, and treat some skin cancers. They might also refer you to a dermatologist, if needed.  


Source: Melanoma institute Australia 


Health checks 

It is a good idea to visit a doctor regularly, even if you feel healthy. The purpose of these visits is to:

  • check for current or emerging medical problems

  • assess your risk of future medical issues

  • prompt you to maintain a healthy lifestyle

  • update vaccinations.

Health checks are usually incorporated into routine medical care. Your doctor will often perform these checks when you are visiting for another condition, such as a cold or another problem. Your doctor will then tell you how often you need to have a health check.

Having a health check is also a time to examine your lifestyle to see what improvements can be made. This may be something you regularly do yourself or discuss with a healthcare professional.


Source: Better Health Channel 




Asthma and Diabetes

For chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes ,chronic pain,... ,you can see our  GPs and nurses so that a tailored approach to long term management and improved health care can be achieved. It’s a team approach with allied health practitioners and specialists. It has been shown to work best in care of these chronic conditions.


What should you do to protect yourself from infectious diseases while overseas?

Before you leave

1. Research your destination and planned activities

The risk of infectious disease differs greatly depending on where you intend to travel and what activities you plan to undertake while overseas. In particular consider:

  • Will you be travelling to countries in which food or water quality might be of a lower standard?

    • Contaminated food and water can increase the risk of acquiring infections such as gastroenteritis, hepatitis A and some parasites.

  • Will you be travelling to wilderness or rural areas where you are likely to be exposed to farm animals or wildlife?

    • Animals in many parts of the world may carry rabies. Diseases carried by ticks and mosquitoes are a risk in wilderness areas of many parts of the world unless preventative measures are taken.

  • Will you be spending a lot of time outdoors where you might be exposed to mosquitoes?

    • Mosquitoes can carry serious diseases including malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever.

Information on the health risks associated with many destinations can be found online at:

We also suggest you get in touch with the foreign missions of all of the countries you intend to visit or transit through. They can give you specific information about particular health requirements in their countries (e.g. vaccines you may need or medicines you should bring with you). They can also provide you with other information about their country that you could find useful or important.

2. See a doctor well in advance before you leave – even if you are well

Your doctor can advise you on measures which can be taken to avoid infectious diseases to which you might be exposed while overseas. This might include measures to avoid consuming potentially contaminated water or food, medication to reduce the risk of acquiring infections or vaccination against serious disease.


Many diseases which are a risk to travellers can be prevented by immunisation. You should talk to your doctor about any vaccines or boosters you may need. Some diseases that should be considered are:

  • Hepatitis A

  • Hepatitis B

  • Influenza

  • Japanese encephalitis

  • Meningococcal disease

  • Rabies

  • Tuberculosis

  • Typhoid

  • Varicella (Chickenpox)

  • Yellow fever

  • Cholera

  • Measles

Some countries still suffer high rates of infection from diseases that are rare in Australia due to our routine childhood vaccination. If you were born overseas, and you are returning to visit friends and family, you should still check with your doctor if you need any immunisations. Your immunity to some diseases may have changed or diminished with time.

Immunisations which are now routine in childhood in Australia should also be considered if travelling to areas where these diseases remain common. Depending on your age and previous medical history, you may not be protected against diseases such measles or polio. It is important to schedule a visit to your doctor at least 6-8 weeks before you travel to allow time to complete any vaccination schedule you undertake.

It is important to note that people who are one year of age or older will be asked to provide an international vaccination certificate for yellow fever if, within six days before arriving in Australia, they have stayed overnight or longer in a yellow fever risk country. Further information for travellers about yellow fever vaccination requirements can be found at Department of Health | Yellow fever - general fact sheet


Source: The Department of Health 



In QLD Medical Doctors Doncaster our nurses practice with our GPs to achieve: 


  • Health promotion

  • Illness prevention

  • Antenatal and postnatal care

  • Child and family health nursing

  • Treatment and care of sick people

  • Rehabilitation and palliation

  • Community development

  • Population and public health

  • Education and research

  • Policy development and advocacy

  • Vaccination, children, catch up and travel

  • Chronic conditions care plans 

  • Health Assessments for over 75 / 45-49 /  Diabetes 

  • Respiratory function test/ spirometry, diagnostic/monitoring Asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  • Audiometry , hearing test and monitoring

  • ECG ,diagnosing arrhythmias/monitoring patients with heart conditions

  • Wound care, chronic ,acute and education on how to take care of chronic wounds

  • Wax removal from ears


​Our team of doctors take care of  women's health, Men's health, Children health and chronic disease management 7 days a week in our local community. 

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